AIE-5 How Do I Assign Your Employee A Phone Number For SMS?

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Your AI Employee will need a message channel to communicate with your customers. Get step-by-step guidance on how to give your employees a phone number for SMS.

1. Click here

Select the desired AI Employee you wish to give a phone number to.

2. Click "Communication Tools"

Select Communication Tools in the submenu.

3. Click "Enable"

Click Enable in the system's SMS section

4. Click The Drop Down To Display Any Available Phone Numbers You Have Already Purchased And Enabled For SMS

Select a phone number. If you don't see a number here, it is because you have not allocated a phone number yet. You will need to purchase a phone number in the phone settings and get it approved for compliance for SMS first.

5. Choose The Phone Number You Want To Assign To The AI Employee

If you have multiple numbers, you will see more than one number. Choose the desired phone number to assign to the AI Powered Employee. It is best practice to give the employee a dedicated number so it doesn't interfer with numbers that are monitored by your real team.

6. Click "Save"